In the UK, we are emerging from the late May bank holiday. How did we mark it? Did we even notice? For the front line, there was precious little pause for relaxation, gardening, and DIY. For the furloughed and the working from home, yet more…
In the UK, we are emerging from the late May bank holiday. How did we mark it? Did we even notice? For the front line, there was precious little pause for relaxation, gardening, and DIY. For the furloughed and the working from home, yet more…
The mainstream media are incorrigible. That drive and tenacity which compels journalists to leave no stone unturned in their investigations, to negotiate access to the world’s scariest war zones can also sometimes undermine their judgment of what constitutes effective communication. Now is just such a time….
Week three of lockdown in London has an eery feel to it. The first two weeks were more focused, functional almost – week one: eat too much, drink immoderately, fret about loo paper, edit diary; week two: establish an exercise regime, perfect queuing and swerving…
As the world wrestles with coronavirus (COVID-19), a more mundane subtext has entered our daily lives. How do we greet each other? How do we part when our time together is over? Specifically, the handshake, one of the most common gestures used by the humans when…
Much of my work as a business relationship consultant involves in depth face-to-face interviews. To find out what’s really on someone’s mind, nothing can ever replace the richness and flexibility of a conversation. This kind of feedback really is a gift. Pretty regularly, when one of…
By now we are all into the swing of 2020. But this is a tough month, more to be survived than relished, and with only February to anticipate. We’re back at work, under pressure to give Dry January or Veganuary a go (ideally not both),…