As soon as it is safe to do so, we must prioritise a reboot of real human contact

As soon as it is safe to do so, we must prioritise a reboot of real human contact

Week three of lockdown in London has an eery feel to it. The first two weeks were more focused, functional almost – week one: eat too much, drink immoderately, fret about loo paper, edit diary; week two: establish an exercise regime, perfect queuing and swerving…

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Handshakes are going viral (but not in a good way)

Handshakes are going viral (but not in a good way)

As the world wrestles with coronavirus (COVID-19), a more mundane subtext has entered our daily lives. How do we greet each other? How do we part when our time together is over? Specifically, the handshake, one of the most common gestures used by the humans when…

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In today’s workplace, the importance of finding someone to talk to

In today’s workplace, the importance of finding someone to talk to

Much of my work as a business relationship consultant involves in depth face-to-face interviews. To find out what’s really on someone’s mind, nothing can ever replace the richness and flexibility of a conversation. This kind of feedback really is a gift. Pretty regularly, when one of…

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A heads-up for 2020. Burnout is real and on the rise

A heads-up for 2020. Burnout is real and on the rise

By now we are all into the swing of 2020. But this is a tough month, more to be survived than relished, and with only February to anticipate. We’re back at work, under pressure to give Dry January or Veganuary a go (ideally not both),…

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‘Tis the season to be concerned about the homeless. And then what…?

‘Tis the season to be concerned about the homeless. And then what…?

We have just endured, for what felt like an eternity, the Prime Minister and his acolytes on a mission to get something done? What was it again? No, please, aarrgghh. Now that, regardless of political persuasion and with all the attendant caveats, we have a…

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We need trust in the workplace more than I can ever remember

We need trust in the workplace more than I can ever remember

Deep down, I reckon we’re all anxious. Not surprising really when we look around us. At home, we have just witnessed another grizzly terror attack in London. We are also a nation both divided by our future relationship with the rest of Europe and united…

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