Is there a bright future for our cities and for those who call them home?

Is there a bright future for our cities and for those who call them home?

I have recently returned from a week in Hong Kong. What an extraordinary place, 6,000 miles away, in the heart of Asia and yet with many features that make it familiar to and navigable by a seasoned Londoner.

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Does striving for happiness make you unhappy?

Does striving for happiness make you unhappy?

Today is 20th March and, as I tap away at my laptop, I am being reminded (informed, in truth) that this is the seventh International Day of Happiness. Yes, in 2013 this day was marked out for an annual celebration of happiness on our planet. In…

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Don’t let community at work become an unintended casualty of flexible working

Don’t let community at work become an unintended casualty of flexible working

This month’s Campaign magazine features the announcement that Publicis Groupe has introduced flexible working for all UK employees. The reason? In the words of UK CEO Annette King, the intention is to demonstrate commitment to “transforming our working culture” in the belief that “this modern,…

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Raising a wry glass to Dry January

Raising a wry glass to Dry January

As I write, I am halfway through Dry January. Fifteen long evenings have passed, another fifteen lie ahead. There is no mid-game break here, no change of ends, no time to recharge. I don’t regard myself as anything like alcohol-dependent but I can’t even contemplate…

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An apology if you are homeless. Your call is important to us. Please stay on the line

An apology if you are homeless. Your call is important to us. Please stay on the line

At about this time last year I wrote a blog about homelessness entitled ‘A good month for festivity but the worst time of year to be homeless.’ I have a special interest. I am a trustee of a Housing Society which provides a 154-bed hostel…

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Business relationships need to feel like a human experience

Business relationships need to feel like a human experience

My work affords me the privilege of spending lots of time in conversation with client and agency team members as we seek to understand how these parties to important, often complex commercial relationships can get the best from each other. While I tailor my interviews to…

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