The bar for successful business relationships continues to get higher

The bar for successful business relationships continues to get higher

One of the fascinations of working with clients and agencies (more broadly, service buyers and service providers) to improve the performance of their business relationships comes from how and where to draw the line between a personal and professional liaison. Clearly, in strong relationships, connections are…

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Seven-point plan for post-holiday client engagement

Seven-point plan for post-holiday client engagement

Despite the welcome need for sunglasses in London this week, the summer holiday period is now over. Children are back at school and adult workers have returned to their respective coal faces. My train journey into Liverpool Street this morning required a well-practised sardine impersonation…

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In search of truth at the 2018 Byline Festival

In search of truth at the 2018 Byline Festival

The second Byline Festival, staged in partnership with The Frontline Club, ended on bank holiday Monday after four mind-expanding days in the undulating beauty of Pippingford Park, East Sussex. It’s fair to say that this was not your normal festival, however. Yes, there was plenty of…

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Hard day at work? Read First Light by Geoffrey Wellum

Hard day at work? Read First Light by Geoffrey Wellum

Last Wednesday, 18th July, the death was announced of Geoffrey Harris Augustus Wellum. He was 96 years old. A long life, a good innings, a man with an imperial name. Anything else of significance? Well, yes. Wellum joined the Royal Air Force (RAF) in August 1939,…

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Combatting workplace loneliness with some essential humanity

Combatting workplace loneliness with some essential humanity

On 20th June, Radio 4’s Today Programme featured, in its Thought for the Day slot, a piece by the Reverend Lucy Winkett, Rector of St James’s Church, Piccadilly, London. I must admit, if I’m not already in the commuter maelstrom, I tend to use TftD…

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If you want brave clients, be clear what you’re asking for

If you want brave clients, be clear what you’re asking for

In my business consultancy I spend a good deal of time interviewing the parties to client/agency relationships. In addition to the value I can add via feedback from individual conversations, it is fascinating to capture the general themes which surface from time to time or,…

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