The best versions of us have never been so accessible

The best versions of us have never been so accessible

We live in an age of measurement. The sources and means of quantification appear limitless. As never before, significant aspects of our daily lives can be expressed in metrics. This can be favourable, of course. Rugby, for example, has become a pundit’s paradise with the…

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Will this generation of followers make its leaders kinder (and more effective)?

Will this generation of followers make its leaders kinder (and more effective)?

There is a book on leadership for every day of the year. And then there are the blogs, for every hour of every day. Leadership theory and best practice offer well-trodden paths for experts from many disciplines and present a seemingly infinite source of fascination…

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10 business relationship trends for 2017

10 business relationship trends for 2017

It’s that time again. The futurologists, both permanent and those drafted in to handle the seasonal spike, are in full flow.  What’s going to happen in the year ahead? What will be the defining trends? Having just emerged, blinking, from the extraordinary year that was…

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In 2017 we must limit the damage of the post-truth phenomenon

In 2017 we must limit the damage of the post-truth phenomenon

Oxford Dictionaries has declared post-truth as its 2016 international word of the year, beating to the title other trend-setting or event-capturing terms like alt-right, Brexiteer, chatbot, coulrophobia (yes,  fear of clowns) and the rather appealing, not in the least dark, Danish concept of Hygge. The compound…

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(Back to) the future of account management. A classic tune to a new rhythm

(Back to) the future of account management. A classic tune to a new rhythm

Every few years the death of account management is announced. In response, a stout defence is mounted, the debate rages for a while, then the obituary is withdrawn, some remedial care is prescribed and clients continue to interact with their agencies primarily via their account teams….

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Organisations seem permanently to be reorganising. It’s important to get this right

Organisations seem permanently to be reorganising. It’s important to get this right

In business if change is the new normal and the pace of change continues to increase, then the challenge to keep up, let alone flourish, places a heavy burden on leadership teams. A typical response to these difficulties appears to be a reorg (it even…

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