If the skills of management consultants are now more appealing to marketers, so is a consultancy style relationship

If the skills of management consultants are now more appealing to marketers, so is a consultancy style relationship

Conventional wisdom has it that no marketing budget holder wakes up in the morning cheerily anticipating the prospect of paying money to management consultants. Despite the contribution made to the public, private and voluntary sectors by these independent advisors, clichés abound which typically describe the…

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September is a time for sowing, not for anticipating dead leaves

September is a time for sowing, not for anticipating dead leaves

The month of OOO is coming to an end. During August the workplace positively hums with Out Of Office messages and the sound of joyous anticipation of a spell on the beach.  This year we have also enjoyed the OOO provided by Team GB as…

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The challenge of managing client relationships in a digital world

The challenge of managing client relationships in a digital world

It’s proving to be a dynamic year for out-of-home relationships. All over the world, as horror stories abound, we are being forced to re-assess who we can trust, beyond our immediate circle, to lead, guide and support us. Actually, in the UK, the divisions sparked by…

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Will our relationship with politicians survive the EU Referendum?

Will our relationship with politicians survive the EU Referendum?

There is a well-known and playful joke about a tourist in Ireland who asks one of the locals for directions to Dublin. The Irishman replies: ‘Well sir, if I were you, I wouldn’t start from here’. This is very much how I feel about the…

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Personalise, don’t just customise, your business relationships

Personalise, don’t just customise, your business relationships

Personalisation is making waves in the marketing community. What started as the tailoring of an email greeting (from the stock ‘Dear Valued Customer’ to the cheerily familiar ‘Dear Louise’) is evolving rapidly and imaginatively. When, towards the end of last year, Marmite offered its users the…

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Can helping nanny make us all healthier?

Can helping nanny make us all healthier?

Last week the nation’s favourite grandmother, our Queen, entered her tenth decade. She is riding a wave of popularity, it seems, for her unstinting sense of duty and, in recent times anyway, for doing the right thing. Of course, it helps to be a grandmother….

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