Ruby Wax and Ubuntu – taming the ‘overwhelmed’ economy

Ruby Wax and Ubuntu – taming the ‘overwhelmed’ economy

As I anticipate an imminent trip to South Africa to compete in the annual Cape Argus Cycle Tour, the world’s largest timed cycle race no less, there is the respite from a grey, wet London to relish but also, at a personal level, I am…

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Think strategy, think relationships

Think strategy, think relationships

Now is the time to activate that plan to be better in 2015. Driving the plan, no doubt, is a piercing analysis of the opportunities provided by the coming months, aided possibly by the seasonal supply of crystal ball gazing, from a wide variety of…

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Balancing innovation with basic human instinct

Balancing innovation with basic human instinct

For me, one of this year’s distinctive themes has been the fascinating tension between opportunities made available to us by relentless technological advances and how we respond in practice when some of these innovations meet our less sophisticated preferences or basic instincts. Last Sunday’s edition of…

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Small acts can have a big impact in relationships

Small acts can have a big impact in relationships

I have just liked a blog I read on LinkedIn a couple of days ago – ‘No, you are not running late, you are rude and selfish’, by Greg Savage. Closer examination revealed that this was a link to a site which featured the piece…

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Physical proximity drives digital as well as face-to-face communication

Physical proximity drives digital as well as face-to-face communication

This month’s Harvard Business Review (HBR) features a series of fascinating articles on the 21st – Century Workspace. In a sidebar to one of them, Workspaces That Move People, reference is made to the 1977 book, entitled Managing the Flow of Technology, by Thomas J Allen….

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A classic truth for building successful tech companies

A classic truth for building successful tech companies

Our progress as a civilisation has always in part been measured by our powers of invention. That is not to downplay the importance of moral and intellectual development but new products and processes are somehow more concrete and, judging by the current daily servings of…

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