Leadership lessons from the Lionesses’ lioness

Leadership lessons from the Lionesses’ lioness

I can’t leave August 2023 without a backward glance at Sunday 20th, the day that our England women’s football team lost to Spain in the World Cup final. In truth, even the convivial atmosphere of a Suffolk pub could not disguise the gulf in skill, speed,…

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‘Be Joyful. Keep the Faith. Do the Little Things.’

‘Be Joyful. Keep the Faith. Do the Little Things.’

I’m not a Christian. I was, however, listening to a sermon last week in The Chapel of St Faith, St Paul’s Cathedral, by The Right Reverend Dame Sarah Mullally, Bishop of London. It was the Annual Service of Dedication for The Imperial Society of Knights…

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What can Glastonbury possibly teach us about business relationships?

What can Glastonbury possibly teach us about business relationships?

I have just experienced my first Glastonbury Festival. Woohoo! A Glasto virgin no longer. A box ticked. One less item on the bucket list. It was amazing. Under the wing of a 28-time veteran (thanks Al), two other novices and I took our supervised baby steps…

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A good time to think tall (in the opinion of a tall person)

A good time to think tall (in the opinion of a tall person)

I am tall. Not quite as lofty as I was but still called upon by little old ladies in supermarkets. This isn’t news to me or to those who know me. I rarely think about it. I do bash my head in cottages, country pubs…

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Executive coaching can help fill the post-COVID gap in workplace interaction.

Executive coaching can help fill the post-COVID gap in workplace interaction.

As a business relationship consultant, I frequently hear senior executives describe the challenge of managing a workforce that is resistant to returning to the workplace.

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When it’s tough out there, basic business etiquette makes more of an impact

When it’s tough out there, basic business etiquette makes more of an impact

Having just returned from a knee scan where every aspect of the experience exceeded my expectations, I am reminded just how good commercial interaction can feel. It’s not always like that, of course. And 2023 looks set at macro and micro levels to challenge the propensity…

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