‘Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible’

‘Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible’

I reached for this quote from the Dalai Lama having just read a tweet from ex-footballer and Match of the Day anchor Gary Lineker. ‘Why does everyone want to fight these days?’ was his reaction to the latest outbreak of violence at a football ground. If…

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Honouring culture and values will get us through this period of conflict

Honouring culture and values will get us through this period of conflict

What to do? Freedom Day has come and gone. Relaxation or caution, face covering or all out, WFH or back to the office? Our thinking selves will imagine a balanced resolution but, in our bones, we remain uneasy, conflicted. On a personal level, I find myself…

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Finding the born-again moment for your business as uncertainty continues

Finding the born-again moment for your business as uncertainty continues

We are confused. The sun is shining, our vaccination programme is smashing it and yet we face a delay to the great unmasking. We are on the beach, but a red flag is flying. In business, these shifting sands are intensifying levels of anxiety, leading to…

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The best employers must prioritise fully functioning relationships.

The best employers must prioritise fully functioning relationships.

In the May issue, Campaign magazine has published its annual review of the best and worst places to work. The employment landscape for participating agencies and marketing departments has rarely been so dramatic. Desirable employers continue to put people first but COVID has accelerated a reassessment…

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Let spring be the inspiration for activation

Let spring be the inspiration for activation

A common theme right now in my work as a business relationship consultant is the frustrated ambition, among clients, to get stuff done. Lockdown has taken its toll on marketing plans, particularly on seeing them through. In some agencies, however, execution enjoys significantly less appeal than…

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Emerging from lockdown with a plan for rebooting business relationships

Emerging from lockdown with a plan for rebooting business relationships

We have begun the round of grizzly COVID-related anniversaries. It has been a year since… the death of, the collapse of, the cancellation of. More positively, we are anticipating a staged return of some hitherto basic freedoms, but uncertainty remains high. Will data mess with…

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