A chilly February in lockdown. A good time to check the warmth of key business relationships

A chilly February in lockdown. A good time to check the warmth of key business relationships

January is history but up next is more of the same. February may be 10% shorter but it still feels like the Tuesday of the year and, in 2021, a cold, wet one at that. We will not emerge from lockdown this month either, placing more…

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Avoid making predictions for 2021, just be ready for anything

Avoid making predictions for 2021, just be ready for anything

It’s that time again. Undaunted by the events of 2020, the crystal ball gazers are revealing their hands. Some gloom, a little doom but plenty of positivity too. The focus is on re. Re-evaluate, re-calibrate, re-vitalise. The re to prioritise, however, is resilience. Plan like an…

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2021 is on the horizon. A big year for humanity

2021 is on the horizon. A big year for humanity

It is tempting to write off 2020, a year of anguish and disappointment, cancellation, and loss. Unless your name is Amazon, of course. But, to make 2021 better, which it has to be, we must learn from the experiences of this year. If not, the hangover…

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Don’t let the rhythm of lockdown dictate the rhythm of your business relationships

Don’t let the rhythm of lockdown dictate the rhythm of your business relationships

In England we are one week into Lockdown 2. It’s damp, gloomy and Friday 13th. Yes, the streets are less deserted this time, with the strangely welcome sound of school kids on the move. But ‘here we go again’, which rarely prefaces a pleasurable experience,…

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Don’t let relationship burglary spoil your good work

Don’t let relationship burglary spoil your good work

On the first page of author David Nicholls’ Us, which recently concluded its successful four-part TV adaptation, the main characters are awake in the middle of the night. Douglas thinks Connie, his wife, has heard burglars and gets up to investigate. In truth, when he…

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Don’t be a stranger

Don’t be a stranger

We are bracing ourselves for unwelcome news. With COVID-19 cases rising dramatically again, the reimposition of social restrictions is inevitable. More curfews, closures, and lockdowns are being considered. This is not the beginning of the end, either. There is perhaps some solace in the fact that…

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