Archive for Communications Consulting - page 5

Can helping nanny make us all healthier?

Can helping nanny make us all healthier?

Last week the nation’s favourite grandmother, our Queen, entered her tenth decade. She is riding a wave of popularity, it seems, for her unstinting sense of duty and, in recent times anyway, for doing the right thing. Of course, it helps to be a grandmother….

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A good argument can be the making of a business relationship

A good argument can be the making of a business relationship

Last week I went to see William Boyd’s new play ‘The Argument’ at the Hampstead Theatre. The title sells it short! In fact this one act drama features 10 arguments which take place within a troubled marriage, exploring the different eruptions which a relationship in…

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Introverts can create the best business relationships

Introverts can create the best business relationships

It seems to me that in the US and UK at least we are entering a period which will be dominated by the microphone hoggers. The only person making salient news across the pond is the shy, retiring Donald Trump. Like his hair, he is…

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Pep up your business in 2016

Pep up your business in 2016

The start of any year is rife with speculation. Futurists, temporary and permanent, are exploring predictions and possibilities, seeking guidance from a wide range of indicators across all aspects of our over-stimulated lives. As ever, sport is a favourite point of reference. What we can we…

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It’s the most emotional time of the year

It’s the most emotional time of the year

The future trends industry is in overdrive. The tills are still ringing to the tune of frenzied, last minute Christmas shopping but the eyes of business pundits are already focused beyond the next fortnight’s excesses and on to what this month’s Marketing magazine has called…

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