Archive for Foot Notes

If hope is back, we will need to work at it

If hope is back, we will need to work at it

At the recent Democratic National Convention in Chicago, the luminous Michelle Obama proclaimed that “hope is making a comeback.” With our planet as unstable as I can recall, with the reality of ‘back to school’ around the corner, a shot of positive expectation is timely and welcome….

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Flipping social conventions through scepticism not cynicism

Flipping social conventions through scepticism not cynicism

It’s tough not to be cynical. And if demonstrated by withdrawal, distrust of human sincerity, and abandonment of hope, there’s a lot of it about. A report from The Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) indicated that turnout in the recent UK General Election was the…

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Releasing the grip of dopamine, towards a functioning culture

Releasing the grip of dopamine, towards a functioning culture

Our General Election is upon us, accompanied by political theatre of the absurd in France and the US. The journalists are on 24/7 alert, the forecasters primed for their Olympiad. And social media continues to do its thing. Endless bombardment, compromising our attention span, growing our…

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Taking the time, releasing the mental bandwidth to think things through

Taking the time, releasing the mental bandwidth to think things through

I have subscribed to The Week since its launch in 2001. It provides a handy summary of what’s going on across the planet, with a balanced stance that credits a range of viewpoints. Maybe the upstream and downstream orientation of the fishes in my star sign…

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The enduring power of visual, emotional storytelling

The enduring power of visual, emotional storytelling

I have been known to get moisty eyed at the cinema. I rarely shed tears before the main feature, however. That is until last week when I first saw the ‘The Long Goodbye’, the latest film to support the work of the Alzheimer’s Society. The focus…

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Sharing meaning as a catalyst for shared understanding

Sharing meaning as a catalyst for shared understanding

In recent months a stimulating portion of my working diet has come from freelancing with The Client Relationship Consultancy (CRC). As a global business, primarily partnering communications agency networks, CRC has access to extensive data on client/agency relationships.  Its triannual client survey, built upon the…

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