Archive for Foot Notes - page 11

2020 is coming. Are you ready for the emotional intelligence revolution?

2020 is coming. Are you ready for the emotional intelligence revolution?

Back in January 2016, the World Economic Forum (WEF) produced a report, The Future of Jobs, that considered, among other topics, the top 10 skills needed in the workplace. There were two lists, one for the year just ended (2015) and one predicting how these…

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Embrace the end of summer. It’s a time to plan

Embrace the end of summer. It’s a time to plan

In his usual chirpy manner, but with a hint of vindicated soothsayer, BBC’s Tomasz Schafernaker this morning announced a change in meteorological conditions. You won’t be needing the factor 30 in this part of the world for a while was the gist. Summer 2019 is…

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How much of our real selves do we reveal online?

How much of our real selves do we reveal online?

Much of my work as a consultant in improving the effectiveness of business relationships involves conducting, analysing and reporting on face-to-face interviews. Some adopt a different approach. With the ubiquity of the internet, there are organisations, among both buyers and sellers of marketing services, who prefer…

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FaceTime is good. Face time is best.

FaceTime is good. Face time is best.

As a consultant who helps organisations with the effectiveness of their business relationships, I am frequently asked what’s trending in my chosen space. I welcome the question. It is gratifying that enlightened leaders these days recognise the importance of fully functioning relationships as contributors to…

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Cherish one of your most important relationships, with yourself

Cherish one of your most important relationships, with yourself

I have been left on my own for nine days. My wife is on holiday in Canada with her mother, two sisters and a family friend. Both of our children have fled the nest and we no longer have a pet. So, I do mean…

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All clients want proactivity from their agencies, but it must be the right kind

All clients want proactivity from their agencies, but it must be the right kind

I have just completed another relationship evaluation and improvement programme on behalf of a major UK client, involving interviews with the key relationship owners and with their counterparts in some of the marketing services agencies with which they work. As ever, these privileged conversations revealed past,…

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