Archive for Foot Notes - page 13

Making good decisions about AI will depend on RI (real intelligence)

Making good decisions about AI will depend on RI (real intelligence)

Artificial intelligence (AI) seems to be on everyone’s lips. If 2017 was a formative year for technological advancement in this sphere, 2018 has been billed by some observers as the beginning of full-scale implementation of AI in our lives. The recent Consumer Electronics Show (CES 2018,…

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Relationship behaviour – for agencies, one of the two pillars of trusted advisor status

Relationship behaviour – for agencies, one of the two pillars of trusted advisor status

In last month’s blog I wrote about the importance of understanding client needs in determining the success of a service business. The essential companion to spending quality time in your clients’ shoes is relationship behaviour, the ability to establish rapport, maintain trust and credibly behave…

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(Back to) the future of account management. A classic tune to a new rhythm

(Back to) the future of account management. A classic tune to a new rhythm

Every few years the death of account management is announced. In response, a stout defence is mounted, the debate rages for a while, then the obituary is withdrawn, some remedial care is prescribed and clients continue to interact with their agencies primarily via their account teams….

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Will our relationship with politicians survive the EU Referendum?

Will our relationship with politicians survive the EU Referendum?

There is a well-known and playful joke about a tourist in Ireland who asks one of the locals for directions to Dublin. The Irishman replies: ‘Well sir, if I were you, I wouldn’t start from here’. This is very much how I feel about the…

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Is it time for the real sharing economy?

Is it time for the real sharing economy?

Business planning for 2016 is in full swing. The air is laden with weighty vocabulary – a transformation here, some disruption there, agility everywhere. Horizons are being scanned. Lessons are being sought from the businesses and brands that have really delivered this year. The so-called…

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No more heroes. A leadership lesson from rugby’s top teams

No more heroes. A leadership lesson from rugby’s top teams

Rugby World Cup 2015, the world’s third largest sporting event based on ticket sales, is in full swing. Or rather it was, in our household, until Saturday evening when the Welsh rather punctured England’s ambitions. Combine this with my wife’s theatrical outburst on Sunday evening…

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