Archive for Foot Notes - page 4

When it’s tough out there, basic business etiquette makes more of an impact

When it’s tough out there, basic business etiquette makes more of an impact

Having just returned from a knee scan where every aspect of the experience exceeded my expectations, I am reminded just how good commercial interaction can feel. It’s not always like that, of course. And 2023 looks set at macro and micro levels to challenge the propensity…

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Jacinda Ardern and the good sense to know when “it’s time”

Jacinda Ardern and the good sense to know when “it’s time”

On 19th January, Jacinda Ardern announced that she would be resigning as New Zealand’s 40th Prime Minister. She duly did and has now left office after five-plus years. There is no doubting her impact. A PM at 37, a progressive politician and a natural communicator, Ardern’s…

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Finding much-needed strength in the words of the wise.

Finding much-needed strength in the words of the wise.

As if January could get any worse. To the standard mix of cold, grey days, further discoloured by abstinence and financial reckoning, the start of 2023 has added new, unpalatable ingredients. Widespread hardship, crippling strikes, commercial fragility, political inertia, fractures in core services plus the…

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Homelessness is complex, troubling, and unjust. It needs to be fixed.

Homelessness is complex, troubling, and unjust. It needs to be fixed.

Every December I write a blog about homelessness. I am relieved that this national scourge comes into high relief at Christmas but equally depressed that it falls from view in the New Year. The government is tackling the problem with £2 billion over three years,…

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Re-imagining the workplace and re-discovering its magic

Re-imagining the workplace and re-discovering its magic

Business leaders I’m speaking to right now are wrestling with the same challenge. How to re-create an energetic, productive office environment post-pandemic. A sensitive debate is in play. CEOs want to fill the workspace four or five days a week. They tend to reflect this in…

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UK government proves that “education is no substitute for intelligence”

UK government proves that “education is no substitute for intelligence”

These quoted words, from US author of the Dune saga Frank Herbert, have been charging around my head since the infamous ‘fiscal event’ of 23rd September. That was the day when our prime minister and her chancellor conspired to crash the UK economy. Regardless of political…

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